Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Social Media Face-lift

Ever since social media became a big thing, the sites have always looked for things to become better. Most common "face-lift" social media will do is the layout. The layout change could only happen to a persons profile page or the whole site. Many of times, this has turned to be a good thing or a bad thing for the site.

Another change could be just with the logo. Now a logo design change is not something new. We can all recall many chain businesses redesigning their logo in hope to attract more customers. That is the same idea for social media redesigning their logos.

Small changes also happen which also happen to be the ones that are most noticed. That could be with the fount or color theme. Earlier Facebook said they are adding a dislike button, now it is Twitters turn. Twitter is not starting a dislike button. They are however redesigning their other buttons they have. They are making the buttons stand out more. I believe this will help the site improve and increase interest in it. Since I am still learning Twitter and saw the change that could be happening, I was very exciting. I like the new buttons and agree they are more attractive and stand out. Twitter is doing a great thing by doing this.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Fall Break

My fall break did not start till the week at school was over. The week at school was not that bad though. Just had one quiz and a little bit of homework that had to be done. One cool thing is that for my history of technology class got to 3D print a Terracotta Warrior. That was a cool thing to see be done. We printed them at Taft which is the Technology Studies building. It is really cool in there and really nice professors.

Once the week was over, I was bale to leave school and head home. The drive was not bad. A lot of the construction that was going on was done so that was nice. 

It was a little hard when I got home. It was not like the other times where everyone is happy and we all pile into the car and head up to my grandparents house that live 15 minutes away. Everyone was still sad and when we did go over to my grandparents house, my uncle was not there to give me a big hug, happy to see me home and ask what all is going on at school. My family is struggling a bit with trying to "get back to normal". I will be honest, it will probably take a long time for that to happen. 

However my family still tried to have some fun with me being home for the break. The first night we rented a movie. It was a horror/thriller movie and I do not like those at all. I still watched it but I am still not going to go out and watch a ton. Maybe once a year would be okay for me. 

The next day was a little shopping with my parents and just a lot of looking at different things. It was also dinner at my grandparents house. We had roast beef and it was delicious. Dinner at my grandparents house is always fun. 

Sunday was really cool. We had our normal Sunday routine and then when it hit 4 o'clock, we went to a soft opening to a new restaurant that is really close to my house. Now how did my family get invited to a soft opening to a new restaurant you may ask. Well we know the owner. The owner is one of my brother's best friends. We've gone to many of this guys restaurants.The new one is called Fast Eddie's. Their site is not up quite up yet, but you can find them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Fast-Eddies. They serve great food and the staff is wonderful. You ever in the area, I recommend you go there. 

On Monday me, my mom and my grandparents decided to go to Amish country. It is so nice there. It kind of reminds me of school with all being open fields and smelling the barn animals every where. We went to this place called Heini's Cheese Chalet. They have really good cheese and fudge. They have a lot of other things too. 

The front of Heini's
We went to a few bakeries and shops that had a lot of cute things. We went to this one store called Tis the Season and it is all Christmas in there. It may be too early for it but I have always wanted to go and so we went. So much Christmas in one place. I loved it!! After that we wanted lunch and went to the Der Dutchman. Such good food there. They also have this honey peanut butter spread for their roles that is so delicious. Me and my mom could just have that and nothing else and be every happy. This was the view we had from our table.  

The weekend went by real quick but I had a good break from school. I will be happy to go back to see friends and all but not looking forward to the homework and tests.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Skills and Learning for the Future

Part six in the novel Share This talks about the skills and learning needed in public relations for the future. As I read this part, I payed close attention to this since I am a public relations major. 

I agreed with much of what was said. In PR, there are so many skills that is helpful to know and it is good if you learn them. I am of the age that knows social media fairly well. When new ones come out, we learn them fast a decide if they are worthy of continuing and make them popular. When You go into a company, you can help decided which social media is worth going forward in for the company. That could be an important skill to bring. 

Another thing is that the skills that are good are ones that I use almost every day. I tell stories either on social media or to friends, I create what goes in the story and I decide on how to share it with every one. 

With learning the skills and important information that will help in the future is another thing. Every year something new comes out that could benefit us once we get out in the real world. However once I graduate, there will always be  new things coming out. So I agree with the novel that it is important to learn the important basics there are in the PR world. People also need to demonstrate what they want in public relations people. If the companies really show the learning that they think will benefit their company could help us that are still in college. 

Maybe soon there will be no more new skills to learn and all that there is to learn about public relations will be in schools curriculum's. However the world is always changing so there will always be new skills to learn.