I have read three different books for one of my classes. They all dealt with social media in different depths. Real-Time Marketing & PR by David Meerman Scott, Share This, and Measure What Matters by Katie Delahaye Paine are the three books that were read for the class. All the books were insightful and gave different perspectives for how companies look at social media and use it.
I would say, though, the one that I learned the most from was probably Share This. All the chapters were written by different experts in different areas of social media and public relations fields. It gave me insight that I probably would not have learned till entering the workforce. I know I will keep this book for life and will refer back to it when I need a reminder or some more insight. Social media is always changing, but sometimes it is good to go back to the basics. Real-Time Marketing & PR is similar to the same reasons. The only difference was that all the chapters were written by the same person. The book also had some entertaining examples that kept my attention.
The one book that I did not care for so much but was still good was Measure What Matters. I felt after reading the first chapter, I felt like the rest of the book repeated itself. They mention the same seven steps in every chapter just for different companies. It was nice to know how different companies would use the seven steps, but at the same time, it got tedious to keep reading it over and over again.
All the books were good reads. I recommend them to anyone who wants to learn more about public relations and social media.
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