Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Share This!

In the first part of Share This it talks about social media. There was a statement in the book that caught my eye while reading it. "More that 70% of the internet population uses social networks in one form or another" (Page 3). Wow! That is incredible but I bet the number has increased. The number probably varies every single day. Think about that, more and more companies are joining social networks, people are created accounts and vise versa and the day-to-day use changes everyday.

Social networks are becoming the way that people find out information, participate in discussions and just to connect with family and friends. Now back to when our parents were our age, they never thought anything like this would ever come about.

Companies are using social networks to get what they are doing out there. People then can see what the company is doing and keep updated. It is no longer you have to fin out that information through the papers or word of mouth. Just go up on the internet and into some social networks and there you go, all the most relevant information.

Companies are also using social network to broaden their networks to other countries. Finding new customers or even new locations to put out their products. Social networking has become a vital tool in our society of today.

Monday, September 28, 2015

I Learned a New Social Media

This week I learned a new form of social media, and that was Twitter. I will be honest I have only used Twitter once before this. I had a class and the teacher wanted us to live tweet in class about the subject we were learning. Basically we were copying statements from our notes and putting them on Twitter. We even had our own hashtag (#) so the teacher could go back and see if we were live tweeting.

This weekend though we had to live tweet a homecoming event. I did the football game. It was hard to live tweet the football game because once you finished one tweet something else would happen on the field. Which then made the tweet you just did almost irrelevant. The it was hard to keep the tweet under 140 characters. That is all you are given!

Ohio Northern has many Twitter accounts and one is for all the sports. I do not know how they are able to give so much detail with such limited space. I re-tweeted some of their tweets just so I could have some more information about the game that I may have missed. For those of you who do not know what re-tweeting is, it is when you take someone else tweet and basically copy and paste it. I think that is a simple way of putting it. To be honest I still do not get Twitter and I am part of the generation that lives off of Twitter.

There was actually another for of social media that I learned which is called Storify. It is a cool website that allows you to create a story using your tweets, Facebook post and more. I created one for the football game. It turned out really cool. You can see all the tweets in one place and do not have to go searching for them. You can see the Storify story here.

After this weekend I did discover two things. One is that I am not a huge fan of Twitter. I just do not fully understand it. The second is that I will have to continue to learn Twitter because it could be a great benefit skill to have in the future. Here is to learning how to tweet!

I did notice after the weekend, Ohio Northern University did not post much about homecoming weekend. There was nothing posted about who won from the court or about the many activities that were going on around campus. A few days later some post were made about somethings that did happen. Those were manly posted on the multiple Facebook accounts. Their Twitter accounts however did not post much at all. I found out more information through friends about what all was going on. It's ok ONU, all us students and our social media skills got your back.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

What a Weekend!

Wow another eventful weekend! This weekend was homecoming weekend and also something called plow weekend at my friends farm. Plus I went out with some friends to a place called Suter's.

Homecoming weekend was a ton of fun. The parade was cool because there was a tank in it! One of the fraternities on campus rented one and used it as their float. That was something you do not see very often in the little village of Ada. The foot game was exciting. In the beginning of the game, the team looked like their were going to have another close game. Well by the end of the third quarter and all of the fourth quarter, the team pulled ahead. ONU won by 34 and Heidelberg 20. Right after the game, I followed the marching band because they are celebrating 125 years here at ONU. They held a little Band-O-Rama. The music was very good and I always enjoy hearing them play. I ended the night with a bonfire at a friends house and made some s'mores.

Well that was Saturday, now let's talk about Sunday. I went over to my friends farm with his girlfriend and my boyfriend. They were hosting a plow weekend. What that means is farmer friends and family were allowed to come over with their old tractors and work the field. It was very cool to see. The oldest tractor there was a John Deere Model D from 1926.
I even got the chance to drive a tractor. I did not plow with it, but I got to drive it around for a bit. I drove the John Deere Model A from the 1940s. 
Driving it around was very exciting and an experience that will definitely go down in the memory books. After we left the plow day, we went to Suter's. 

Suter's has a pumpkin patch, a hay ride, corn maze, best apple cider, and even more. It is very cozy there and a lot of fun for all ages. We bought a lot of cider, some apples, pumpkin, gorges, did the hay ride and tempted the corn maze. It was getting dark and the employees did not want us to be left in there so they had to come find us and get us out. We are deciding on going back soon so we can finish the maze!

Had a great weekend with a lot of great people which I needed. Hope the week goes by quick and smooth.